Saturday, October 11, 2014

How Many Times Should You Try Before Success?

How many times should you try before rationally quitting? Intuitively, you would think there is a number that most people will attempt before the survival instincts kick in. What is that number? Apparently, it is much higher than one would think.
How Many Times Should You Try Infographic
The startup world is full of seemingly instant successes. People hack together a website, and the next day thousands of users roll in. That might happen for 1% of people. What does that mean for you? Most likely you will not be that 1%. Then the question is, how many times you should try before it becomes pointless.
How about 5,126 times – the number of times James Dyson built failed prototypes of his vacuum cleaner? How about 10,000 tries to build a light bulb. These numbers might somewhat make sense if you believe you are destined to build that vacuum cleaner. But if you are not sure,  imagine how you would feel if you are on attempt number 5,014 and still no end in sight.

How Many Times?

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