Remember your parents complaining “Kids these days…” when you were busy playing Mario for hours together on TV? Well, it’s your turn now.
Here are some of the coolest things from the 90s India that’ll take you a trip down the memory lane. I bet you will feel bad for how grown up you are now. I sure did feel bad, writing this article.
Those were truly the golden days! No responsibilities, no stress, no frikkin’ Facebook! Damn, what world are we in these day? Well, accept it, move on and enjoy this collection. Don’t forget to share! 🙂
You secretly hated this guy.

You still remember the “Jalebeeee…” kid.

You aspired to be this guy, riding your BSA Champ.

You never imagined you could be more handsome.

You stole these.

This was your world before Mp3s.

You imagined flying, one day.

You collected these like crazy, and chew off the gum (until the juice lasted).

These were readable like a million times over and over.

These were yummy. And a luxury that you had to fight to get one.

Your first pop addiction.

You saw many like these in the magazines.

You had one of these. Just like your friends.

Or these.

This guy was the most clever guy you knew.

You had one of these. The “always stuck” machine.

All of your friends had a pair like yours.

This was a novelty.

You instantly recognize this logo.

The BSA SLR Ad feat. Kapil Dev.

You actually enjoyed playing this with your parents.

You’d set the alarm for every 30 mins.

You pretended playing this, while it was the songbank.

This was your show off item.

You traded these.

You bought these at railway stations.

You’re thinking about Kroor Singh and his “Yekkuu” laugh now.

You loved the smell of the ink.

This one’s too.

You hurt your fingers playing this.

You never got this until you were “big enough” to get one.

Eeew! You really did that?

Mom actually put it on you and you liked it.

You loved these for the magnets.

And for the “tap” sound it made while closing.

You didn’t get annoyed seeing this (like you do these days with your Internet provider).

You got hypnotized every time this played.

Your dad used this.

You’d be in front of the TV 10 mins early.

Your first engineering job.

We all had this.

You got this free with Complan.

You bought it for the cover & blasting it. Accept it.

You enacted him after every episode.

You loved the Amar Chitrakatha for its beautiful illustrations.

Your “well-to-do” friends introduced this to you. You got one at the local festival.

You loved the taste, and the color.

You’ve never seen it again.

Your uncle had one. And you begged for rides.

You played all kinda games with the ink. Also, broke the nib.

You fought with your dad for getting this.

You haven’t seen this ever since, either.

You tinkered with it, shouting from the terrace. “Is it OK now?”

Parents bought it for you. Didn’t bother to use.


You were kinda uncool then.

You crave for it now.

Your first and last AK 47.

You fancied her.

Stop shaking your head.

You’d cut out the logo to collect them.

Never saw these again.

They were cool, then.

Some of you collected these.

You either loved this, or didn’t taste it at all.

Brown paper. You’d make the most of it.

You don’t like the new one.

Your garland.

Mom thought you were mad for shouting “by the power offf….”.

Not all of you will recognize this.

You are singing the jingle now.

You really believed it was Japanese technology.

You flipped over every time you got one.

You were once cheap.

Naughty. Naughty.

Loved all of them.

You upgraded to one of these.

From one of these.

You still love this model like your current car.

You never missed an episode.

Your first manly shave.

You still admire it.

This should remind you of your teacher.

You envied your friend for having one of these.

Female folks in the house had these.

You only saw a few of these, and thought it was weird.

You hurt your finger spinning it.

You didn’t notice him then.

You would die for collecting these.

You were perfectly OK with this. Didn’t even realize the screen was curved then.

These didn’t make any sense to you.

You played with these.
Your first cricket bat.

You collected these like crazy and thought they fought for real.

Your first camera and it had no fancy filters.

I’m sure I missed many things here.
What can you re-collect from your childhood?
What do you miss most from those days?
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